Massimiliano Benvegnu.

Joined: 30/01/2025



Gender Age Nationality Diploma Spoken languages
Male 24 Italian Yes English
Spanish, Castilian
Gender Male
Age 24
Nationality Italian
Diploma Yes
Spoken languages English, Spanish, Castilian



Current employer Current country Current league Current category Player exp. Coach exp. Former employers
Private trainer of talents of the national team Italy Other All National level International level Private trainer of both national young talents, amateurs and mid-level players, Trainer and sparring of young national players who play at international level, Sports director in ASD Polisportiva Bissuola Mestre
Current employer Private trainer of talents of the national team
Current country Italy
Current category All
Player exp. National level
Coach exp. International level
Former employers Private trainer of both national young talents, amateurs and mid-level players, Trainer and sparring of young national players who play at international level, Sports director in ASD Polisportiva Bissuola Mestre



Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Result 4 Result 5
Sports director (managing the structure and coordinating trainers/sparrings) Private trainer Developing and refining young Italian talents who compete at high international level
Result 1 Sports director (managing the structure and coordinating trainers/sparrings)
Result 2 Private trainer
Result 3 Developing and refining young Italian talents who compete at high international level
Result 4
Result 5

Requested job.

Requested job.

Status Position Team Category Country Availability
Professional Assistant coach Male Europe 30/06/2025
Status Professional
Position Assistant coach
Team Male
Country Europe
Availability 30/06/2025

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